End of Session Legislative Reports The following reports summarize the legislation from the 2021 Session becoming law. The further down the list, the more comprehensive the information.
Enacted Topics Report (5/19/18) [Not Final] NOTE: I am still refining the descriptions of some topics. This report contains all bills signed by the Governor. It does not include legislative topics that will not become law.
Download the complete 2013 Legislative Guide for Law Enforcement Here See errata page behind table of contents for list of updates. Includes addition of new statute numbers for new statutes and list of new statute numbers.
Links to the bills and summaries written by legislative staff
2013 Line Officer Law Enforcement Legislative Summaryjust for line officers and supervisors. I have cut out some of the technical legislation and tried to keep this just to those things a line officer, including investigators and supervisors may be confronted with.
List of new KSA numbers for new statutes. (Posted 8/3/13) This is not the amended statutes, but those that are totally new.
Background Information The following documents describe the Alleyne vs. US US Supreme Court case and the impact on standing Kansas Hard 50 sentencing provisions for first degree murder.